The Bach Kindergarten Game is the perfect way to introduce very young people to what many kids consider a very uncool but beautiful subject. Without any pressure to already find Bach's music great or even to have to and also without the expectation of having to memorize something about Bach's life, the musical topic is not only transported to kids, but also directly into the homes and apartments of parents and grandparents.
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First, there was the Bach Coloring Book ... from that point we developed our Bach Kindergarten Game. Are you interested in the price right now?
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The Johann Sebastian Bach Mission: That's two areas and one goal. The goal? To spread the work and life of Johann Sebastian Bach. The areas? My husband, Peter Bach Jr. writes books on Bach and designs thematic websites. He is also the author of the project Bach on Bach. In my Publishing House Bach 4 You, more precisely the "Renate Bach Verlag", I offer various cool music gifts around the composer from Thuringia. Also, music calendars. Many music calendars. Exactly 99 music calendars.
We – that is the makers of this Bach Kindergarten Game, Renate and Peter Bach Jr. – are both convinced that you should not so much inspire children and young people for Classical Music. Instead, we should make sure that they are not immediately scared away by the first contact.
This goal is achieved at an early age through an initial involvement with the subject, with Bach's music only very quietly and in the background while the Bach drawings are being painted. From school age, however, a biography about the master written especially for children can deepen the interest for this genre. Bach's life is "packed into individual adventures" for children in my husband's biography. Before this age, a playful approach to getting to know him is the perfect approach. The more playful, the more willing and exciting the subject becomes. The teaching value is explicitly achieved only indirectly.
The goal of the kindergarten game is to spend as long as possible – and in the two "disciplines" painting and listening to his music – to deal with the topic Bach only with entertainment. This can be achieved by playing a game with a large group of kids. To do this, however, such a game must first reach your kindergarten. This brings us to sponsoring.
Buy a Bach Kindergarten Game for a few Euros (... click here to check the price), that is download a PDF file and print out the 30 pages yourself. It goes without saying: no S&H costs. You bring these coloring drawings – together with the coloring suggestions and the game instructions – to the kindergarten in your neighborhood, or you hand in the combination the next morning together with your child ( ... how that sounds).
The sheets to color are DIN A4 (... they fit on letter size ... or check the size in inches here) and best would be if printed on thicker paper than common paper.
The painting suggestion cards. The music notes indicate, which cards can be sorted out, without destroying Bach's path of life. If in case there are fewer children than precisely 24.
Cut out the coloring suggestions. There are 24. If there are fewer than 24 kids, remove a corresponding number of coloring suggestions and the matching coloring sheets, of course: The cards with the small, black musical notes at the bottom right are not important for the accuracy of Bach's life story. So if there are more children than 24, please print one or more coloring pages. Two children each then share a coloring suggestion and sit together. ✓✓
On the far right are the small cards that you can carefully stick – on the back – to the paintings of the winners with tape. Staggered so that they are later visible with the work from the front.
All the children line up in a row. A coloring contest will now take place. Explain to the children that they – together with the educators – now want to color and "explore" the life of one of the greatest musicians of all time. Each child gets a coloring suggestion. You can mix them up beforehand and then distribute them upside down. All children may now – whoever wants to – also swap the coloring card suggestions among themselves for ten minutes. After that, all the children receive the appropriate DIN A4 drawing, matching the small coloring suggestions. Check here, what's DIN A4.
Each child now paints – according to his or her choice or the one of the educator – his or her drawing with crayons or with wax crayons. When the artwork is finished, each artist signs his or her artwork at the bottom right or bottom left. Possibly only with a smiley ... or you practice writing their own name beforehand for this a first time ... what a surprise at home.
All the works of art are now arranged by the children one after the other. The educators provide significant help here ...apparently with the logic of the course of Bach's life and ... according to the dates. So that you don't have to know Bach's life, the order results from the year numbers. Explain what's happening in Bach's life – fun together!apparently with the logic of the course of Bach's life and ... according to the dates. So that you don't have to know Bach's life, the order results from the year numbers. Explain what's happening in Bach's life there - fun together! It's about teamwork among the kids and teamwork between kids and educators. Again briefly: Without getting familiar, the educators recognize the order of the pictures by these year numbers.
Finally, if all the pictures are in the right order ( ... each picture should sit on a chair – in a row – with a little space. And also behind the chair we need space, a lot of space). The children are now asked to choose the most amazing piece of art. They do this best by standing behind their favorite picture ... not next to each other, but behind each other. If the two best pictures have the same number of votes, all the children are asked to vote for the best of the two in a subsequent runoff. If there are two pictures in third place, there are two third places (... disappointments are reduced). The three pictures with the most votes get the three (four) the best rankings glued to the bottom of the picture with adhesive tape.
Then all the pictures are carefully hung on a wall with tape in the correct historical order. Carefully, so that neither the wall nor the artwork are damaged when they are removed later. All kids take their painting template (the painting template, not their artwork) home with them on this day. There - with it - the topic with the parents is taken up thereby automatically again.
After four weeks, each child is supposed to take his or her work of art home with them. A second time, Classical Music is then also indirectly a topic of conversation at home. In this way, the children are carefully introduced to a worthwhile subject that is becoming increasingly difficult to communicate. The Bach Kindergarten Game also paves the way for the desire to possibly learn a musical instrument later on.
This is a shortcut to the most important website within the Johann Sebastian Bach Mission. Click there once and then browse.
This will take you to "Johann Sebastian Bach for Children," the website that offers an educational path to classical music.
Why not click now to "Bach in Wechmar" and learn more about the roots of the Bach Family of Musicians?
Read more here about the cool offer on Bach's complete musical works, the Bach Complete Edition. 142 CDs, 1,128 works.
Read more about all 99 music calendars to help refinance our Bach mission. Why not click there right now?
This source could "equip" you for a long time with gifts for musicians, many music fans and friends.
And there's even a Bach calendar related to the Bach Kindergarten Game: Order it, color it, wrap it in wrapping paper, then bring to grandma and grandpa. It is the perfect gift from a little musician to a big musician, or from a little music fan to a big music fan. Do you want to visit the store and in particular this calendar again now (... it is a Bach Calendar)?
A more than cool Bach calendar for teens and for those grownups which remained young, on the left side. On the right side it is the Little Bach Figure. Do you want to meet more Bach calendars?
Please support our Bach Mission … learn more.
A jewel: the historic Bach beer stein from the year 2000. On the right it is the every year new compiled actual Pipe Organ Wall Calendar, one of the pipe organ calendar collection. There are five different ones in this year and every year one pipe organ calendar is adding. You can order all of those, with the calendar of the latest year. As for the Bach Beer Stein, there are three different variants: the modern one, which is available in many versions, the historical one from 2000 (... see picture above) and the historical one from 1985. The link here will take you to all Bach beer steins.
Renate Bach Publishing "Bach 4 You" – Bildstrasse 25, 74223 Flein / Germany – Phone: +49 7131 576761 – info (at)